Comments on: What are Bearing Capacity Values of Different Types of Soil? Wed, 12 Aug 2020 18:02:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: aviratdhodare Wed, 12 Aug 2020 18:02:44 +0000 Follwoing are the values of safe bearing capacity as per IS:1904–1978 –

Rocks –

a) hard sound rock – 330 t/m2 or 3240 KN/m2

b) leminated rock – 165 t/m2 or 1620 KN/m2

c) residual deposit of shattered and broken rocks- 90 t/m2 or 880 KN/m2

d) soft rock – 45 t/m2 or 440 KN/m2

Non Cohesive Soil (sand & gravel ) –

a) compact gravel, sand and gravel – 45 t/m2 or 440 KN/m2

b) compact and dry coarse sand – 45 t/m2 or 440 KN/m2

c) compact and dry medium sand – 25 t/m2 or 245 KN/m2

d) find sand – 15 t/m2 or 150 KN/m2

e) loose gavel or sand – 25 t/m2 or 245 KN/m2

f) loose and dry fine sand – 10 t/m2 or 100 KN/m2

Cohesive soil –

a) hard or stiff clay, soft shale – 45 t/m2 or 440 KN/m2

b) medium clay – 25 t/m2 or 245 KN/m2

c) moist clay and sand clay mixture – 15 t/m2 or 150 KN/m2

d) soft clay – 10 t/m2 or 100 KN/m2

e) very soft clay – 5 t/m2 or 50 KN/m2

f) black cotton soil , peat – by soil investigation

This is bit difficult to state like this. Generally, in fields, we deal with layered soil systems where in you need to work out settlement of each layer and then compare the same to allowable settlement of the subject structure. The allowable settlement for each structure in different and hence the criterion changes all the time.

More than shear criteria, the settlement criteria generally governs the safe bearing capacity of a soil. So, it is difficult to standardize the bearing capacity values in case of soils. May be, in the case of rock, you can standardize the values as the rock does not settle more than 3–4 mm.

By: AdityaBhandakkar Wed, 12 Aug 2020 18:01:22 +0000 For the different values of bearing capacity factor under the application of general shear failure, values are shown in the above table.

Where Nc, Nq and Ny are the factors of Terzaghi’s bearing capacity.

By: DevilAVRT Sat, 25 Jul 2020 14:25:29 +0000 RECOMMENDED VALUES OF SAFE BEARING CAPACITY FOR PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS Sl. No TYPE OF ROCK OR SOIL SAFE BEARING CAPACITY (kN/m2) (kg/cm2) ROCKS 1 Rocks (hard) without lamination and defects, for example granite, trap and diorite 3300 33 2 Laminated rocks, for example sand stone and lime stone in sound condition 1650 16.5 3 Residual deposits of shattered and broken bed rock and hard shale, cemented material 900 9 4 Soft rock 450 4.5 NON-COHESIVE SOILS 5 Gravel, sand and gravel mixture, compact and offering high resistance to penetration when excavated by tools. (Refer Note 5) 450 4.5 6 Coarse sand, compact and dry (with ground water level at a depth greater than width of foundation below the base of footing) 450 4.5 7 Medium sand, compact and dry 250 2.5 8 Fine sand, silt (dry lumps easily pulverized by fingers) 150 1.5 9 Loose gravel or sand gravel mixture; loose coarse to medium sand, dry (Refer Note 5) 250 2.5 10 Fine sand, loose and dry 100 1 COHESIVE SOILS 11 Soft shale, hard or stiff clay in deep bed, dry 450 4.5 12 Medium clay, readily indented with thumb nail 250 2.5 13 Moist clay and sand clay mixture which can be indented with strong thumb pressure 150 1.5 14 Soft clay indented with moderate thumb pressure 100 1.0 15 Very soft clay which can be penetrated several centimeters with the thumb 50 0.5 16 Black cotton soil or other shrinkable or expansive clay in dry condition (50 percent saturation) (Refer Note 2) To be determined after site investigation 17 Peat (Refer Note 2 & 3) 18 Fills or made up ground (Refer Note 4 & 5)


By: Vivek Patel Sun, 19 Jul 2020 07:16:37 +0000 Different soil SBC are as follow

  • Bedrock is 574kpa
  • Gravel is 250kpa
  • Sedimentry Rock is 190kpa
  • Sand gravel is 140kpa
  • Sand,silt sand, clayey sand is 95kpa
  • Clay, sandy clay, silty clay is 70kpa

In actual site, we conduct several test to find out SBC.

By: Julieta Magtalas Sun, 28 Jun 2020 17:00:32 +0000 Is it always correct to utilize smaller value of SBC even though the kind of material is loose of soft clay and yet within this value the structure is still safe and sound.

Regards and thanks.

Juliet magtalas

By: Abhishek Kirave Tue, 19 May 2020 23:52:21 +0000 The bearing capacity values for different types of soil are-

  • Clay    : 100 KN/sq.m
  • sand    : 400 KN/sq.m
  • Gravel : 300 KN/sq.m
  • Rocks   : 3240 KN/sq.m
By: Handasa Sun, 26 Apr 2020 23:00:27 +0000 Of course these are indicative values ​​and do not substitute for soil testing by a specialized laboratory.

By: shuvam dey Fri, 22 Feb 2019 18:32:09 +0000 In reply to Giuseppe Pace.

